
Tax Return: 10 Things You Can Claim
So, you tried out our tax calculator, right? Noticed any difference between the calculations and your actual paycheck? If you've ended up paying more tax than you should've, no worries! You can get that overpaid tax back by lodging your tax return. In Australia, if you're doing it yourself, make sure to lodge it by the 31st of October.
When completing your tax return, you're entitled to claim deductions for some expenses that are directly related to earning your income. Here are TOP-10 you should consider:
Oct 16, 2013

ATO Tax Scams - Newest Email Scams
Tax scams can happen anytime of the year, not just during tax season. However with less than 2 months remaining prior the tax return deadline on October 31st, email scammers are as active as ever.
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has warned people about official-looking phishing emails that circulate either offering recipients a tax refund if they fill out an online form or claiming a tax refund has failed to process.
Sep 5, 2013
Official ATO Tax Calculator is Horrible!
It's quite frustrating to use an official ATO Tax Calculator to figure out how much your take home salary would be:
May 2, 2013